Total breweries: 72
States represented: 17
Percent Oregon: 40%
Percent California: 21%
Percent Upper Midwest: 10%
Percent Washington: 10%
Number of styles: 24
IPAs: 9 (13%)
Pale ales: 7 (10%)
Total wheat ales: 11 (15%)
Belgian witbiers: 6 (8%)
Fruit wheats: 4 (6%)
Beers with adjuncts: 17 (24%)
Minimum number of years in a row 21st Amendment brewery has brought Watermelon Wheat: 7
Breakdown of styles and the number of beers in each:
Amber ale/alt: 5Compared to past years, this is nice style diversity. Last year there were 15 IPAs and another six Double IPAs. There were also only 14 states, so we've increased our diversity a bit there, too (although fully 71% are from the West Coast.)
American lager: 1
Belgian ale: 5
Belgian witbier: 6
Bitter: 1
Bock: 2
Brown ale: 2
Coffee-flavored ale: 1
Cream ale: 1
Double IPA: 4
ESB: 1
Extra pale ale: 4
IPA: 9
Kolsch: 3
Pale ale: 7
Pilsner (German and Czech): 4
Porter: 1
Red ale: 2
Rye ale: 1
Spiced beer (excluding wit): 2
Stout: 2
Strong ale: 2
Wheat: 1
Fruit wheat: 2
I've been confused for some years now. If it's called the "Oregon Brewers" festival, why are there beers from other states?
ReplyDeleteIf it's beer festival with beers from other states wouldn't you call it something like "Oregon's Beer Fest?" or "The Oregon Beer Fest?"
If it was just West Coast Breweries, maybe call it, "Oregon's West Coast Beer Fest" or "Pacific Coast Beer Fest" or "North WEst Beer Fest."
Since the name of the fest is "Oregon Brewers," that clearly indicates that the fest would be made up of Oregon's Breweries entirely.
Then they could have any variety of beer they want.... The fest would reflect the beers indigenous to Oregon which would be unique.
Instead, some of us sit around every year and ponder the semantics of "Oregon Brewers Fest."
If it's an OREGON BREWERS FEST, lets' cut out Breweries from other states and just be proud of Our Oregon brewing heritage.
If we want to have a full blown NATIONAL BEER FESTIVAL, then lets pull out the stops! There's plenty of room down at McCall Park! Lets bring in a huge variety of beer from coast to coast and do it right.
Although many Portlanders seems to enjoy the fest, beerfans from other states and some local 'Beer Fest" hoppers find the festival lacking in identity. Why not have just an OREGON BEER FEST or a National Beer Fest? Lets do it right one way or the the other.
Now that I got THAT off my chest, lets' all go have some BEERS!