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Saturday, April 07, 2007

First Sunny Friday of the Year

Yesterday was one of those gorgeous, sunny days in Spring that lifted the hearts of Puddletowners (a high of 78), and provoked a spate of weather "illnesses." The morning commute was very light and downtown was abanoned. People went to their favorite parks and pubs and had a fine day of hooky.

The shots below were taken at the very packed Lucky Lab last night (April 6), between about 6-7 pm on my cell phone.

The back porch was packed

The pints were pouring fast

When I took this photo, the beer line stood at 22 and snaked around the pub.



  1. That's awesome. Part of what makes Portland so Portland is the fact that the pubs will fill up at any time on any day as long as the sun's out

  2. you didn't take any pictures of the poodle birthday party? oh man :P
