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Friday, January 09, 2009

What's Shakin'?

I generally have something to write about, but January is a real dead time beer-wise. Seems like we're all re-booting following the bacchanalia of winter releases. Is there anything out there to which I might direct my attention?


  1. Can you find out about/taste/whatever about some of the southern Oregon breweries? Have family in the Medford area and I don't know anything about the breweries around there. Just a thought and completely selfish.

  2. Jeff,

    I hear ya, January is stale for beer news. I hope to make a few new brewery visits this month.

    KD, I was just down near Medford for the holidays and stopped in to Standing Stone in Ashland, highly recommended. If you are in Medford go check out S.O.B, I haven't made it there yet, but there beers have been pretty solid.

    Check out the beer mapping project at:

    great resource for finding breweries.

  3. i also recommend

    they are not a brewery, but they feature Southern Oregon brews and their pizza rocks.

    the Osprey brew pub in downtown Medford is cool as well. can't remember the cross streets, but its next to a strip club if that helps ;)

  4. Caldera in Ashalnd, although a production only brewer, puts out very high quality product. If you're on the other side of the mountain, Klamath Basin is also a quality establishment.

    I second the comment on Kaleidoscope, especially if you're a Deadhead.

  5. Iggir, any more info on the Osprey brew pub? I've never heard of that. Are they a satellite of another brewery or their own?

  6. Black Albert Keg Tapping at PDX Green Dragon
    Saturday January 24, 2009
    Time: starts at 3:00pm
    PDX Green Dragon
    928 SE Ninth Ave.
    Portland, Oregon
    Black Albert is a rare Russian Imperial Stout brewed by Struise Brouwers in Belgium. The Green Dragon has 1 of 20 kegs in US

  7. KD, one of the most useful sites for info is the Oregon Brewers Guild. They have member breweries listed by region. Here's Southern Oregon. No pubs, but a good resource.

    Rogue folk, good tip. Care to weigh in on all the rumors swirling around the Green Dragon? What's the future tap list look like?

  8. what about the Roots Flanders Red releasing next wednesday 1/14??
    Surely one of the more unique releases and on par with the Dissident.

  9. Da Beers - i'm fairly certain they brew their own beer but i haven't been down to Medford in over a year.

    i couldn't find anything online about them unfortunately.

    well, i'm heading down there next weekend to visit family so i'll swing by and let you know.
