Right. In Britain, the waters are muddied by a system that puts small breweries at a grave disadvantage. The majority of pubs are owned by breweries. In these you will find guest taps, but you'll also find a lot of the host's beers. A pretty small minority (perhaps readers know the figure) are "freehouses"--independent, and able to serve any beers the like. The big breweries and pub companies own hundreds or thousands of pubs, and tend to dominate regions. (For the visitor, that last part is pretty cool; you find yourself in different "catchment areas"--Fuller's in London, Green King in Suffolk, Marston's around Burton, and so on. Thornbridge even has four.) Very often, these pubs are the picture of the quintessential English pub--lots of wood, a cozy fire, cask engines, and opinionated punters sitting at the bar. I am molecularly drawn to these places and can, like a hound, detect one even around corners and down the road. It will gnaw at me to lose these when I return.
A secondary problem is grocery sales. There are a few companies that control most of the grocery trade, and these outlets want beer at rock-bottom prices. While they do pass these along to the consumer, it means breweries make next to nothing per unit. Only extremely high-volume breweries can afford to make money this way. The little guys can actually lose money.
Which brings us to Greene King. The brewery now operates over 2000 pubs and has acquired several brands--Morland, Hardys and Hansons, and Ruddles. It owns Belhaven--which we're visiting tomorrow--though the latter is still independent.

Instead, I found quite the opposite: Greene King is a hodgepodge of facilities and eras, and it feels like a small town unto itself. A traditional tower brewery, it features old coppers and the least interference by technology of any facility we've seen. They vat a 12% strong ale in ancient wooden vessels that slowly sour the beer over the course of two years--the only extant use of this practice I know about. It links their current operation to a lineage that dates back hundreds of years--worthy of historical recognition and protection. Strong Suffolk Ale is a gem in beer's treasure chest, and to my mind puts the brewery rarefied company. Even the despised IPA is a fabulous beer, a tour de force of flavor and balance for such a small beer. (The name is, obviously, unfortunate.)
The irony is that Greene King is hated for being a kind of destructive force--ruining beers and breweries on its way to world dominance--rather than the preserver of tradition and craft. It's a very strange paradox for the visitor--Americans in particular are suckers for tradition. (Our country was 23 years old when Graham Greene's great grandfather founded the brewery.) Yet I understand that there are other concerns, and whenever any one brewery begins to dominate a market, it has a distorting effect. Still, there seems to be little of that--Greene King brews about half as much beer as Sierra Nevada and has a tiny slice of the British beer market. I don't know the particulars of their various buy-outs, but it appears that in some cases, they were picking up breweries in the process of collapse (not uncommon in England, sadly).
From the outside, it looks like this. The British beer market is in the midst of serious churn. On the one side are producers of light lager that sell for nothing in the grocery stores. This is a direct challenge to pubs, which support ale brewers. Whatever a person's opinion of Greene King (and CAMRA's position seems absurd), it's impossible to think of them as the foe of small ale breweries. The real foe makes cheap beer without concern for taste, tradition, or culture. Small craft breweries and traditional ale breweries are on the same team. Know your enemies indeed, and that means knowing who's not.
While the majority of UK pubs are tied, they are unfortunately not tied to breweries. Most are run by pubcos like Enterprise Inns and Punch Taverns who are solely in the pub business and don't brew a drop of beer. They still get largely to dictate to landlords what goes on the bar, however, which has the knock-on effect you describe of making things tough for small breweries trying to break into the market.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty obvious why ambitious newcomers like BrewDog and Thornbridge have gone all-out to invest in real estate as much as conditioning tanks.
BN, thanks. That's obviously true and I've Added that context.
ReplyDeleteNow that's you *and* Zak Avery telling us we're wrong about Greene King IPA. We are obviously prejudiced.
ReplyDeleteOne of the specific irritations with the big regional brewers snapping up smaller ones is the closure of home breweries and the relocation of production, especially when coupled with a failure to disclose plainly and clearly that that's what's going on. Many drinkers don't realise that GK brews all of the beers on those pumps, even those branded "Morland".
In itself, though, I don't have any real problem with breweries behaving like businesses!
IPA was not originally a strong beer. IPA was not originally a strong beer. ;)
I live in the Greene King catchment area, in fact the last pub in my village is owned by Greene King and they are selling it, bastards. So I have to disagree, Green King IPA isn't a "fabulous" beer, even when it's in top notch form, it's at best, average.
ReplyDeleteThe main issue with their beer, is the same issue for all cask ale, ignorant landlords who don't know what they are doing. To many times I've walked into a Greene King pub and the IPA has been undrinkable. If they spent as much time training up landlords properly, as they do ageing Old 5X, there probably wont be this level of animosity.
Showing their beer a few hops wouldn't go amiss either...
Also their mild is one of the best around
ReplyDeleteJeff.. your molecular draw is widely shared. Do a small survey for me...does the hound really find cask engines?
ReplyDeleteBailey, I do wonder how many of the brands under the Greene King label would still exist if GK had left them alone. My sense is they grabbed brands on their way to extinction. But I'm not the final word. (Data point: I visited Belhaven today and George Howell told ms he felt they were much more likely to survive thanks to GK. Of course, their brewery remains.
ReplyDeleteBob, point taken.
OtherFred, it seems to ONLY work with cask engines. I can't smell the kegged. Too cold.