The solution is obvious, right? Crowd-source a purchase! Two ad companies are trying to get enough people to pledge to pool their money (in increments as small as five bucks) to buy the $300 million company. For just pennies, you can own Pabst. Call it the Green Bay Packers model of business.
Personally, I wouldn't want the thing. Pabst is in a terrible position, and if the brand survives, it will be as a minor subsidiary of one of those massive beer companies that are now desperately eating their own. Aside from a history, a "brand identity," and a recognizable label, there's not a thing about Pabst that distinguishes it from the 97 other tin-can beer brands out there. With no brewery, no local audience, and no commitment from an owner, the writing's on the wall. Pabst is a sucker's bet.
Aw, c'mon man, the beer won a BLUE RIBBON! Give it some love...